
While I understand that "major character death" is a bit of a hoary old chestnut of TV writing, it only is that way because TV shows do tend to abuse it, for better or worse. The difference here being, Mad Men is an actually well written and well acted show and so having of all people, Lane Pryce die (and by his own

While I understand that "major character death" is a bit of a hoary old chestnut of TV writing, it only is that way because TV shows do tend to abuse it, for better or worse. The difference here being, Mad Men is an actually well written and well acted show and so having of all people, Lane Pryce die (and by his own

I definitely thought there would be promise to this movie. It's weird that this wasn't the Snow White movie directed by Tarsem Singh cause goddamn did they try to ape his visual style. But they gave away the best bits all in the trailers, because they probably knew they had a threadbare movie to offer anyway. It would

I definitely thought there would be promise to this movie. It's weird that this wasn't the Snow White movie directed by Tarsem Singh cause goddamn did they try to ape his visual style. But they gave away the best bits all in the trailers, because they probably knew they had a threadbare movie to offer anyway. It would

it's all good, she next went on to date a drug addict who stole money from her and went out of state for weeks without a word to her

it's all good, she next went on to date a drug addict who stole money from her and went out of state for weeks without a word to her

I liked all of that.

I liked all of that.

it was interesting to see how Peggy and Joan were diverging as characters. Joan saw Peggy rise through the ranks and actually gain some level of experience and respect as a writer, while she remained a glorified secretary's secretary. Yet Joan's big move upwards had to be done the "old fashioned" way, and Peggy made a

it was interesting to see how Peggy and Joan were diverging as characters. Joan saw Peggy rise through the ranks and actually gain some level of experience and respect as a writer, while she remained a glorified secretary's secretary. Yet Joan's big move upwards had to be done the "old fashioned" way, and Peggy made a

an obsequious little worm who thinks he's doing a good job at pretending he's on Joan's side when he mentions the indecent proposal. And that basically she'd have to take the job…hrmm…lying down.

an obsequious little worm who thinks he's doing a good job at pretending he's on Joan's side when he mentions the indecent proposal. And that basically she'd have to take the job…hrmm…lying down.

Peggy dressing up nicely for her lunchtime interview was an interesting touch: even though she wants to be seen as a copywriter first and a "girl" (not even a woman, but always a "girl") second, she knows she has to look pretty for the man who will interview her. Even the most professional, one-of-the-guys women

Peggy dressing up nicely for her lunchtime interview was an interesting touch: even though she wants to be seen as a copywriter first and a "girl" (not even a woman, but always a "girl") second, she knows she has to look pretty for the man who will interview her. Even the most professional, one-of-the-guys women

The World Is Not Enough

The World Is Not Enough

"…and she still knows how to milk it."

"…and she still knows how to milk it."

"You won't be needing THIS any more!" *throws beating heart into a trash can*

"You won't be needing THIS any more!" *throws beating heart into a trash can*