
"I hate space" was the only line that actually made me roll my eyes. I was less forgiving with "Are you kidding me" because, while trite, it is something people actually say….

I felt the same way. I liked her in sillier stuff like "While You Were Sleeping" but was not convinced she deserved her Oscar for "Blind Side." She really won me over with this, and I was very impressed with her ability.

Agreed. The length was perfect. The movie was a fresh breath of air on its own, but it was really refreshing to see a movie that wasn't weighted down with unnecessary bulk.

NASA has sent non-astronauts into space for certain projects or limited work (a researcher from MIT went up in the 80s, I know, and the Challenger mission was meant to take a school teacher into space). In the movie, Ryan was trained to assist or hold her own, but the expectation was that Clooney and the other

Weeping at how Elizabeth Bennett has fallen. (Though I liked her a lot in "Contagion" and "The King's Speech.")

Still not sure what "sassy" is even supposed to mean in this context…

I cannot take that cast photo seriously; I keep thinking of Tina Fey's comment that she cannot take red carpets seriously because everyone's laughing and smiling with their mouths wide open in ways no one actually does in reality. Julie Bowen is NOT having that much fun at that photo shoot.

I did NOT realize that Pornstache was Nick Sobatka on "The Wire." Wow. 

"I'm the sun! I'm the moon! I'm excited!" made me laugh, as did Bert's creepy, "HI!" when he was supposed to be asleep. (Though I agree with another reviewer that it makes no sense that you'd have to tiptoe around a seven year old's bedtime.) I'm really enjoying this show and like the way they're rolling out the

I thought the same thing. At that age, you basically just say, "Go to bed!"

Agreed. "Modern Family" can get away with everyone in one place because they can all be "going to Grandpa's" or "having a holiday," but here it would be a stretch to put them all in one room every week.

I like the kids, but I have to say I'm madly distracted by the oldest son's teeth. I hope he will grow into them. Aside from that, the child actors are doing nice work and are not at all grating. I laughed aloud when Bert opened his eyes and said, "HI!" when she thought he was asleep.

Yes—Of the Sunday night shows, it's the closest match you'll find for Breaking Bad's pacing and "OMG WHAT NEXT" moments. Granted, there are more moments where the answer to "WHAT NEXT" might not be what you wanted, or what you think is plausible, but it has a really good pace and suspense level to replace your BB

Saul's hearing was televised, but they specifically said that Carrie's was behind closed doors.

Ugh the Potentials were the worst. I didn't "rage" when they came on, as you say, but I gave one of Liz Lemon's epic eyerolls whenever more than a passing phrase involved them. I don't hate Dana, but I agree with an above commenter in that it's a case of a good actress being underused. The scenes with Dana and Brody

Is Dana Holly White in 16 years??

I thought Quinn was a new character until almost halfway through the episode. He was not nearly as memorable from last season as he was supposed to be (for me at least), aside from knifing Brody's hand in the interrogation.

Is anyone as annoying as Jess' mom? I was initially happy they introduced extended family, because I always think about those kinds of things on this show (i.e. What did Walter White's mother think when she found out what her boy was up to?), but she was insufferable. I've never seen anyone work harder to get her own

If it *had* ended with "Ozymandias," I can't even predict how fast people would've started the LOST-esque criticisms: "They didn't end anything! We don't know what happened to ________! They answered NO questions about ________!" I think the whole finale was 8 hours long; as I said earlier in the thread, the beginning

It's a small nuance of the Skylar scene, but I was glad to see that she and Marie might somehow, sorta-kinda be able to have a relationship again. It will never be what it was, but the way the sisters ended their phone call made me think Skyler didn't have to be totally alone (even if that requires Marie believing