
The only "fan service" bit I can think of is Lydia's death, but even that was well-earned given her role in the business over the last few seasons. I also think it's hard to remember the "eagle eye" view of shows like "Breaking Bad," "Mad Men," or any other character-based drama. Individual episodes should be watched

Also, he built a battery out of spare change and random washers from an RV. This seems within his wheelhosue.

Agreed, though I was very happy they ended with a well-selected song. That (rather than a collection of scenes) felt very appropriate.

I got very teary when Walt handed Skylar the lottery ticket and explained it, as thought it might somehow sort of absolve them both. I thought that scene was beautifully performed by both actors and really showed how much was lost so Walt could admittedly feel "alive." And, as

My only gripe—and it seems silly to even call it that—is how much time was spent with the Schwartzes (though it was wonderfully done and heralded the return of Badger and Skinny Pete). I loved those sad, last moments Walt spent with Skylar, but I would have loved about 10-20 more minutes with the buildup to the big

I enjoyed season 2, but the hit-and-run storyline grated.

VERY good point.

A small gripe: Brad Whitford is a god amongst men with enough lingering cred from "West Wing" to make a zillion pilot episodes, but parting his hair in the middle is not working…

I'm watching the pilot now and really enjoying it. Only gripe: the fact that they ripped those grating "Hey! Hey!"s from the "Modern Family" credits. I detest that sound effect…

I'm really enjoying him in this. He was great in "Bridesmaids" ("If you wanna take this class, you're gonna have to pay for it,
like the rest of these bitches!"), and I'm glad to see him doing well in this.

I can't tell you how many people know Carl Weathers only from his work in "Happy Gilmore."

That's a really good way to put it. She's my least favorite character, but not because she's not funny. Just because she isn't balanced by anyone else in the cast. Her line delivery kind of bothers me, too, but I realize that might just be a personal taste thing.

I hope Braugher gets nominated for an Emmy next year and unseats some of those Modern Family dudes.

Exactly—if Jesse lives, he "lives" in prison, and while there he could easily run into some of Uncle Jack's pals. There's no happily ever after for him at this point.

Exactly—if Jesse lives, he "lives" in prison, and while there he could easily run into some of Uncle Jack's pals. There's no happily ever after for him at this point.

But, knowing the Emmy voters, Jeff Daniels ranting about Mitt Romney will probably win anyways.

Rye is lovely.

I am very excited for the Saul prequel. I hope the last episode of that series ends with Saul walking into the courthouse to deal with Brendan Mayhew's public masturb—-meth deal charges.

I will be interested to see how (if at all) four months of timeout in NH have affected Walt's rage towards Jesse. I don't know if it will happen, but after all of this loneliness, I could see merit in @XD_1:disqus 's prediction that he feels guilty after learning about Andrea….

Yeah, after rewatching some of Walt's greatest hits on Netflix this weekend, I'd like to see him go out with an Etch-a-Sketch bomb, nickels-and-washers battery, warm-liquid-and-red-phosphorous-type bang.