
I think we will still get Ramsey Bolton as it seemed like Theon's men were planning on giving him to the Northerners and going home. And then something went wonky and the men outside Winterfell kill them and sack the castle. The show has said that Roose was sending his bastard son to retake Winterfell so they will get

I think we will still get Ramsey Bolton as it seemed like Theon's men were planning on giving him to the Northerners and going home. And then something went wonky and the men outside Winterfell kill them and sack the castle. The show has said that Roose was sending his bastard son to retake Winterfell so they will get

Very true, there is a lot left up to interpretation in the actual details and  much of the battles are through confused fog of war point of view and told after the fact, but that doesn't stop you from imaging the grandiose of it all that is implied with the information given especially on your 3rd or more reread…

Very true, there is a lot left up to interpretation in the actual details and  much of the battles are through confused fog of war point of view and told after the fact, but that doesn't stop you from imaging the grandiose of it all that is implied with the information given especially on your 3rd or more reread…

It seems a straight enough to the point strategy for it have been Joffrey who ordered it as a another plausible possibility.

It seems a straight enough to the point strategy for it have been Joffrey who ordered it as a another plausible possibility.



On the the first season bluray(and probably the DVD as well) they have these great bits where the characters like Robert or Tywinn are telling the stories of Roberts Rebellion plus other parts of the past which are a great way to get a deeper history of this world, which explains exactly what you wanted to know here

On the the first season bluray(and probably the DVD as well) they have these great bits where the characters like Robert or Tywinn are telling the stories of Roberts Rebellion plus other parts of the past which are a great way to get a deeper history of this world, which explains exactly what you wanted to know here

Well in the books Tyrion is convinced that he was sent on Cersei Lannisters orders, but it is never explicitly said if that is true.

Well in the books Tyrion is convinced that he was sent on Cersei Lannisters orders, but it is never explicitly said if that is true.

@ballzack if you are going to correct somebody please be correct. You don't even need to have all this info mesmerized or one of the books nearby for reference just go to towerofthehand.com and they will let you know what is right or wrong…

@ballzack if you are going to correct somebody please be correct. You don't even need to have all this info mesmerized or one of the books nearby for reference just go to towerofthehand.com and they will let you know what is right or wrong…

Which Maegor's/The Red Keep are part of the castle that is the Heart of the King's Landing and between that in the gate is the city where all the Smallfolk live/work then you have the wall and gates to the city where the fighting occured. The Womenfolk were quite safe and far away from the fighting and quite cut off

Which Maegor's/The Red Keep are part of the castle that is the Heart of the King's Landing and between that in the gate is the city where all the Smallfolk live/work then you have the wall and gates to the city where the fighting occured. The Womenfolk were quite safe and far away from the fighting and quite cut off

I wish, I wan an official version of The Bear and the Maidn Fair so bad. The scene with the soldiers singing made me so happy, I hope they can incorporate more songs into the show, I love them in the book…

I wish, I wan an official version of The Bear and the Maidn Fair so bad. The scene with the soldiers singing made me so happy, I hope they can incorporate more songs into the show, I love them in the book…

He was at the wall and the Lord Commanders steward at the time. I would think it would be policy to keep the wall informed of willing activity south of the wall. So one can assume Luwin sent a raven to Aemon who is blind and thusly Sam read it and would have told Jon what's what even if the old bear didn't.

What no, Cat is not going to cut off Jaime's hand. If I recall correctly that is how that scene ended in the book, as a cliffhanger to ACoK thinking Cat was just going to kill Jaime…though this has probably already been mentioned in your comments I was just so put off balance by that ending your review that I felt