
Totally grrr just keep pitching him inside and he'll keep whining and crying like the little girl he is. Still got a few more games to prove what a CHOKE ARTITST he is!!!

Learn to read a-hole there not MY PHILLIES I just love to see the YANK-MEES lose. You think the SKANKS are gonna beat the Phils only averaging 2 runs per game? I dont think so expecially if GAYROD keeps CHOKING LIKE ALWAYS!

CC So-bad-See-Ya!
Speaking of jumpingon the band wagon, what happened all you SKANKEES fans i thought your team was so invinsible that it was gonna be a SWEEP! Well maybe it will, but the other way instead! Hahahahahaha! What happened to A-ROID I thought he was your hero but it looks like he's gonna blow it in

Hahaha!! looks like Dirty Sanchez is human after all meanwhile Tom Brady aka MVp is shakingoff the cobwebs and having another MVP season. J-E-T-S are L-O-S-E-R-S and will always be loser no matter who coaches them. Mangina had a good first season to - how did that work out for ya?! NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS TEAM OF THE

Yeah Labron I hope you keep playing for the Cleveland Steamers and I hope the Celtics keep beating you How many rings you got? 0!!!! Celtics will keep winning with team efforts not just one guy.

wahts the problem av club cant come to Boston? Is it because youhave 2 baseball teams and there not going to the palyoffs either, unlike THE SOX! That was some game Cutler had in week 1 - he threw 4 PICKS! Waaah brian Urlacker got hurt boo hoo!!!

Go to France REM!
Can't believe Im on the same site comenting with a bunch of commy PINKOS! This country is based on FREEDOM not SOCIALISM! We got it bad enough here in TAXachussets without government heath scare from the GOVERNMENT!

Yeah I gotta say the grafix on the games can get annoying even on FOX. Yeah that's kinds cheep but kinda awesome in that game Kirk Cameron. No what I like when its a call to the bullpen? When its the third inning and its Joba cuz HE CANT GET PAST THE THIRD INNING! HA JOBA DROOLS! GO SOX!!!

F* New York
It doesn;t matter what they wear on there face SPANKEES should were a BAGS over there faces cuz they SUUUUUCK! I wonder if Steinbuster's kids woud even let them wear mustashes! Mets too nice to be in last place, huh?