
The narrative purpose of the spaghetti disaster was that every factor of it was caused by BoJack. Character Actress Margo Martindale was only on the run because of BoJack's plan back in season 2, the spaghetti was being delivered to the new restaurant because BoJack fired Sandro, and it was only heated up because of

With such perfunctory glow did doth yonder heathen shine with.
Shine ever more. Long live TV Club.

I'm hoping that his filmography will just cover the entire zodiac eventually

It's no Party of Five, but it definitely ranks up there.

You can say that again! Oh boy, who doesn't love a good custody battle.

I know right?


May Be

Yeah, Real Friends really raised expectations for me

I think the 'buy' part of it is the sticking point

I first read this as Keri Russell and was elated then disappointed, then confused.

Oh Sweet Virginia

That is one comedic title.

Oh I see now

Ah racism.

In honor of Christmas Day and numbers with a zero at the end of them, here’s a blast from the past: presenting The AV Club’s Official, Completely legal, in No Way Fan-Made, Top 10 TV Shows of 2004.

And, we're back on track

The Community episode where Pierce pretends to be dying (the first fake documentary one) always reminded me of this episode. It's the opposite there, with a twisted old man trying to manipulate his only friends, but the basic sentiment is the same.

