
But that's the point… It shows the free woman lacks empathy compared to the other inmates.

Yeah I'm not with you at all on this one buddy. Exploring Linda Ferguson gives the show a chance to explore what empathy and sympathy mean in this cage of animals… And a juxtaposition of rich white woman and the 'real' worst thing she ever did compared to previous flashbacks with other characters. It's was SPOT ON

It's true. I love Indie films but this is one where people act like your an idiot if your don't like it… Like they are somehow better for 'getting it'… Which ironically makes them them the cliché.

Ugh here we go with the 'everything offends me' crap… Please take a seat in the corner with Carmen Carerra… We can all have fun, push boundaries, tell jokes, without someone crying in the corner about something being offensive. Let it BE.

Shadow King is tall and lanky, right? Artwork would suggest we're looking at Mojo.

I love that Baskets puts me in this emotional cyclone of indecision… I dont know whether to laugh or cry… So mostly I just well up and look confised.

From a man who likes the bear type, to me he is coming off as a sexy bad boy.

Juno is the reason that I have continued to watch Vinyl… Albeit very very SLOWLY. I started Vinyl its pilot premiere night and here I am at the end of May only on the 4th episode. The show is almost exhausting… How something so busy could manage to bore me so, I'll never know.

Yes because people aren't allowed to have opinions… Right.

Jerichoholics Unite!