
9/11 drove a lot of people batshit insane. Look at Frank Miller (not that he ever had more than a tentative grasp on sanity anyway).

Look. People. He has like 15 guns around him at any given time. Surely -someone- can shoot him and make it look like an accident?

Oh man, ZING!

Is anyone else giddy with anticipation for how bad that movie is going to flop?

Fucking god, I'm tired of Burton.

Me too; it's a horribly irritating oversight.

Right, I remember when the petition and email campaign to stop SOPA totally didn't affect congressional attitudes. Oh no wait a majority of them changed their mind and SOPA was stopped.

And they threw in the smug self-satisfaction for free! What a deal!

Here's a thinker for you re: obnoxious, self-righteous "early adopter" fans:

Man, what a cunt. Talented cunt, but still a cunt.

The internet: Where no good intention goes unscoffed-upon.

Right, because attractive people can't actually like nerdy stuff. Have you ever even -listened- to The Nerdist?

Yeah, Maher is… the least obnoxious of the three, I suppose.

I dunno, all the explosions distracted me from the tits.

"Eatin stake with the missus. Wish theyd let me use somethin sides a buter nife to cut with…"

Huh. They were still around?

Your smug sense of superiority is showing.


"Douche vs. Douche"

Honestly? Yeah. I genuinely think he's a terrible enough human being to deserve scorn and mockery even on his potential death bed.