send lawyers guns and money

and "loveless academic magnetic program" apparently.

Are Cheetos like Wotsits? If so, okay, but you've got to wash. I fucking hate the smell of Wotsits.

Transformers was really depressing. I know it made money, but would it really take too much integrity to think about making something worth watching?

… and King Bastard can go fuck himself. Or possibly come round for cocktails and spliff. He's funny.

What the fuck is up with this comments system?
I work in IT. I program, I query, I write software documentation, I train users, I write specifications, I know what LAMP stands for, and apply for jobs that specify it as a requirement.

Gah - this comments system is screwed.

Is this a double post? Crappy comments system…
I blame Aliens 2 and BG. They have kept our feeble hopes alive that sequels and derivatives might not be too bad.

I blame Aliens 2 and BG
They keep keeping the flame alive that sequels and re-imaginings might not suck.

I blame Aliens 2 and BG
They keep keeping the flame alive that sequels and re-imaginings might not suck.

I once had a set of scales in a nice velvet lined hinged box. The only trouble was, when I put the box on the mantelpiece, the hinges and lid were at the front, so I couldn't see the pretty scales.

… googling "FSOG" returns no useful hits (but I eventually guessed what it meant).

Well, where's the fun in that?

As an Englishman…
… can I say who the fuck is Hannah Montana?

Yes. It would.

Zed is right. Check out the french radio boobies in videocracy to see how it should be done.

Hot for Prince? "Vaguely repelled by" here.

My heart beats faster…
… when I see a new "Box of paperbacks" or "Year of flops" entry.

There's a museum of typefaces not too far from me. I often threaten the kids with a visit to that if they're pissing me off.

The problem is…
… that my fascination with Boll's product has never overcome my aversion to actually watching one.

and Hammersmith is out