
Breaking Bald

ok.. now, what I'm REALLY interested in is knowing when the fuck AVClub will change this abortion of a comments system called Disqus. god, what's so difficult about working basic functions right??

"I need help reacting to something"


yeah, because season 4 was great without him.

now that chevy's out… BRING HARMON BACK

yeah, that was a good moment.

Ever since this season's first episode, I'm the one rooting for the show, going against people condeming it and declaring its death, even though I can see it's quite flawed. I just thought it needed time before jumping on conclusions like that.

you still have faith in sarcasm in written form. that's cute.

I'm a huge fanboy of the show, was sad with Harmon's departure but I actually agree with you. there's just too much stuff outside of the show itself that made people overreact way too much. if the same episoed aired as it was scheduled, no hiatuses, backstage drama and no firings/walk offs, people would've enjoyed it

watch "Remedial Chaos Theory" off of third season and "Conspiracy Theories" off of the second. no need to watch anything else to back those up and will give you a great sample of the show's best moments.

it's ONE episode with a little over 20 minutes duration. was it enough to make you create an account to be that dramatic?