Chunk Chicken

they don't let me read anything here in Arkham Asylum, but the simple townsfolk can be controlled by a grotesque cosmic demon to peruse the AVClub for me at the local library and type my hideous characters.

*crying* I learned it from WATCHING YOU!!!!

or The Re-Animator

fleet fixes first

i can has exterminates lmfao

Doctor WTF vs LOLdaleks

the academics and the absurdists will be the death of our noble theater!  back me up here, Greek chorus!

if x is the new y, and y producer x goes solo and gets remixed by z, than what is the glitchy square funk root of z?

this is a poem of ethnicity, a subtle feminine caricature—especially in dancing and athleticism

you look marvelous.  have fun storming the castle.  here's your fucking oscar.

let's all turn the management of our feeds over to our teams at Katalyst Medias to ensure the qualites of there [sic] contents -'cause it's not about what we as people actually say but what the PR people would say if they were us

Boots Randolph, baby.

bring in Piers Anthony

Cain, my ass…

he's alright, he's alright, he's alright - Herm Cain