
Wait, so you copy and pasted a Reddit AMA and it falls under Newswire not Great job, Internet?

As a massive Avatar (Last Airbender, Legend of Korra) fan, I love the tiny glimpses related to the fight choreography/animation and the real world martial arts/philosophies behind them that have popped up online over the years. I'd love to see as much of that content as I could get my hands on.

As a massive Avatar (Last Airbender, Legend of Korra) fan, I love the tiny glimpses related to the fight choreography/animation and the real world martial arts/philosophies behind them that have popped up online over the years. I'd love to see as much of that content as I could get my hands on.

Will the challenge be for all the designers to make a dress for Kenley?

Will the challenge be for all the designers to make a dress for Kenley?

call me ignorant (but also strangely interested) but do the celebrate christmas in the world of pokemon? If so, how does that work?

until they redeemed him (somewhat)?

For anyone who grew up in Australia in the 80s/90s, I put forth the episode of "Round the Twist" where the kids dress up a scarecrow in a clown suit and it comes to life as being freaking scary. I've not seen it since I was a teen but everyone I know who grew up during the period remembers it vividly.


I vote blonde but he needs to stay away from all body hair-removing products.