Jo Hubris

My problem with Angelus not killing anyone on screen was that because he didn't, I was expecting it to be a plot twist, that he wasn't actually Angelus, he was Angel pretending like he did in that great episode in Buffy s3 to trick Faith.

>Possibly the best use of Lorne's empath powers ever to make an amazingly tense scene.

When my sister and I arrived at a hospital to find my grandmother dead, I was in a tank top, and was all sunburnt from that day, and I was like "this is so undignified!" like I should have been wearing a buttoned up shirt or something in preparation for the death, so I totally felt what Willow felt. And of course I'd

This episode was totally adorable
For all the hilarity of Franklin's texting, and Jason walking around with his shirt off and falling over chairs, and how insanely attractive Eric is and how much I just want him to get it on with every single character on the show, what really got to me in this episode was Terry being

Suspension of disbelief
Obviously Gossip Girl has been away too long because I'm finding it impossible to believe that all those pesky kids would be at a dinner for an ambassador. Or that anyone would ever wear a shawl covered with badges like that. Ugh.

Ahh yes, thanks for that Sandwoman. I have to say not having Nate shacking up with either of the two most hated characters (Little J and Vanessa) has boosted his credibility a little bit more. But not much.

Tonight brought the laughs
* Nate explaining how he knows about threesomes: "I've been to Europe and I'm best friends with Chuck Bass". Oh Nate, you are so very bland and serve no purpose at all, except for the part where you addressed your "gayface" with whatever line it was that I've forgotten now.

I teared up at the scene with Sue and her sister too. It was really unexpectedly touching.

Oh make the anonymous minion in that threesome Dan! Finally he'd become interesting!

the threesome
1. I found this episode gave me the biggest surprise of all - that I could actually care about and feel sorry for Vanessa, only getting to finally hook up with Dan as a guest player in some drunken shenanigans. Perhaps I'm just projecting though, because we've all been there before, right? Right?

Harry's happiness when Peggy walked through the door with Don was beautiful too.

I don't mind Serena doing the underage drinking thing, but martinis? Really? When no one's watching? Surely not at age 18, no matter how much of a boozer she is. Those are something you've got to develop a taste for over a long period of time!

Okay, so I too am sad that I don't get to read an AV Clubber's thoughts on this episode, but hey, we get to see Chuck Bass kissing that guy again in the recap, so that's helpful, right?