Cotard Delusional

Agreed, but the terrorists did prevent a movie with James Franco from being shown for the time being, so I am torn, much like those that felt we got what we deserved for 9/11 for supporting Israel. Now if I can just get in touch with these terrorists and submit my list of other actors/actresses they should threaten….

Trust Me I'm A Game Show host looks to be just awful. MIB and DH should be ashamed. TBS's original programing really sucks.

I liked Bart's line to Jay toward the end, when Jay suggested The Simpsons could perhaps visit his show. "No, we won't be doing that." I thought it tied it up nicely.

DDB9000 1 wrote:  I find Kumail Nanjiani to be a funny comedian, but for someone who's on "Franklin and Bash" to be throwing stones? Really?

I know this won't be read since the last comment was four months ago, but I watched the entire series in two days, and it was great. Anyone who compares this to "HIMYM" deserves to be as dead as I am.

Me and my friends were discusing it, and we love Patton Oswalt and his letter. But mentioning Tosh diminished it. Are there people living that think he is funny? Probably the same ones that think Dane Cook is groundbreaking.
But then again, we are dead, so…

I agree with what you are saying, but the fact that Ted basically killed a young campaign worker and was never prosecuted to the extent the crime warranted certainly gives credence to the public perception that the Kennedys were above the laws you and I have to adhere to. Nathan spends more time than necessary in his

I agree Nathan. Americans are just jealous of those darn Kennedys. They have suffered enough!

I haven't seen the gag mentioned when Homer is shown trying to use a coat hanger after locking himself out of the monorail.

I haven't seen the gag mentioned when Homer is shown trying to use a coat hanger after locking himself out of the monorail.