
This is Merlin!

runner-based moto-skids.

They are not plugged in, which is my second-favorite detail after the way they all seem to think smiling is accomplished by flexing their upper lips up and out toward the tips of their noses.

Later mini-games include visiting the divorce lawyer and flirting with suicide.

Camel tuberculosis for you.

The difference between Charlie Kaufman and directors like Spike Lee and Martin Scorcese is that the latter two are nuanced thinkers who are really good at articulating complex, ambiguous, sometimes contradictory attitudes and truths about their chosen subjects. Kaufman is an insipid, shallow mental clubfoot who

"Caden is a magnificent solipsist, a pompous, pretentious ass who is incapable of framing any conversation or idea through any perspective save his own. He does not empathize. He obsesses."

"The movie is solipsistic, acknowledges it, and excoriates itself for that very trait."

@ Post Crunk:

Chapter 5: Alias or some shit.

The Aeneid would be way kick-assier than Inferno. By a mile. The "carry Anchises" minigame would be tedious, though.

For this game, you get hereditary electric leprosy.

I think someone got killed at a MacKaye show at some point, and he felt kinda bad about that. Though he's always been good at "I'm not telling you how to live your life, but…"

Miko, I'm with you. I loathed that song, even in 1997 when there was a lot of that stuff I thought was tolerable-to-good. My opinion hasn't changed, it's still in like the top 10% of songs that grate on my nerves.


Nothing wrong with consciously splitting infinitives for stylistic reasons. As a rule, though, don't.

Rutger Hauer from Blade Runner. Jamming nails through your goddamn hands to stay alive long enough to kill Harrison Ford. Height of badass.

Tolerable romantic comedies:

If your mind is so big, why don't you just learn the difference and be done with it?

The Blue/Black combination would round out his set of predominantly blue Bugatti Veyrons. Now, if he could only find the pink and purple!