
I tend to think Betty's character arc is about her marrying young. Having discovered that what she wanted isn't what she wants, Betty finally asserts herself and starts pursuing life for herself. The problem is that she didn't really want to be a mother, and the kids get in the way of her self-revitalization. So

Seriously? Did you watch the clips above? And those were the ones Rabin selected as the most tolerable parts of the movie.

It's against Protocol. Haven't you read?


Yes, disco guy running into the door made me pause and replay several times.

Ooh, Signs. I hadn't seen anyone mention that one before now. What a shitty movie.

Fellatious Reasoning would be the name of my band, if I had any musical talent.

@ack ack:

by the Polanski theorem, Mad Max makes up for punching a girl in the teeth. It's a sliding scale, though, so if he'd anally raped a 13-year-old, he would've had to do better, even taking Beyond Thunderdome into account.

I know the lady who cracked the case - she was a hotel domestic abuse detective.

Chesapeake, I'm with you. Rarely have I seen a DVD collection that wasn't super-extensive that didn't suck balls, even among people whom I otherwise respect.

I once broke up with a girl at least partially because her DVD collection consisted entirely of crushingly mediocre dramas - think "Cider House Rules." It wasn't that she liked shitty movies but that she chose to own them. Then she told me she had chosen the painting on her wall because it matched her quilt, which

With grammy-winning soundtrack featuring a Pixies cover.

Lohan and Cash were both drug-addled lunatics in their twenties. Sixty years from now I fully expect Lohan to put out a series of country albums so soulful they eclipse even her legendary younger work, produced by an eccentric rap maven. Followed by several posthumous releases.

She shot a man in Reno just to watch him die.

By far the best moment in that video
Was Josh's shrug at counting.


Nine Days. Nice.

So the real issue here isn't that I feel entitled to free entertainment. But I feel no sense of moral responsibility toward huge media conglomerates. I think of the "we own the rights to this string of ones and zeros and you have to pay us for them" as an arbitrary construct with no basis in natural law. And the

Clockers is totally awesome and underrated.