
Also, according to SuperFreakonomics, we should abandon current efforts to stop global warming and just spray sulfur dioxide into the stratosphere for a while.

Johnny Cash's cover of "Rusty Cage".

I'm with you El Santo. The last few years I was Marlon Brando in The Wild Ones, because it required only a leather jacket and an undershirt. This year I'm Don Draper, because I already own a suit.

Yes! I can't tell you how long I've been waiting to unleash a torrent of hatred on Charlie Kaufman. Being John Malkovich was pretty good, but BOTH Adaptation and Eternal Sunshine were awful movies. They're superficially constructed, emotionally manipulative, self-conscious and self-obsessed, and BAD BAD BAD. The

Consider the hate supplied. Let me tell you how much Pearl Jam sucks. They suck a lot. The Beatles never made a "Jeremy." Ick.


First thought: Velvet Underground.
Second thought: Wu-Tang.