Curly Jefferson

Good call. I remember back in the '90s reading a review of Speed in an old Leonard Maltin or Videohound book and it referring to Bullet Train maybe even calling Speed a remake.

This comment *almost* sounds like prejudice! But that can't be, because your ideas are directed against intolerance, right? So it evens out?

I hear Calvin as voiced by Fred Savage circa Princess Bride.

Agreed. It makes me sad to see the bad reviews every week, although I can't argue with a lot of the criticisms. For me, the dialogue and Mindy's likability far outweigh the structural and character problems that plague the show.

I didn't mind the twist so much as the ending where they tacked on a lazy "people embarrassingly profess their feelings in a public place" type scene. Up until then it was quite good.

Had no idea Session 9 was supposed to have a different ending. I can't find much info about it online except that there was one. How was it different?

I was trying to put my finger on why I thought Olyphant was now such a believable leading man when just ten years ago he was pretty much typecast as a creepy villain and a very believable one. I'm sure there's several reasons, but the one that seemed most obvious when I noticed it was his teeth. He has veneers now and

I feel like it would take a good scrubbing to get the Ryan Adams stank off of her but I am willing to put in the hours to get the job done.

Why does it have to be 10 years ago? Why can't this be a thing…now?

I thought so, too. Pete's Steven Wright was really damn impressive. Mohr couldn't even compete.

Kind of agree. Part of this is probably that he is now doing a sports radio show for Fox and his energy is not as focused on the podcast. They feel a little more tossed off lately.

Really weird that the guy who made The Pallbearer made Cloverfield, Let Me In and is directing the new Planet of the Apes movie. I guess director jail isn't so bad as long as you meet a guy like JJ Abrams when you're on the inside.

She looks a lot like '60s country singer Bobbie Gentry in these pictures.

I'd prefer she lose it, if ya know what I mean! (read: it means I'd like her to be naked, because I find her sexually attractive)

uhhhhhh whatthehellBODY MASSAGE

Besides The Long Riders, the movie I would have liked to have heard about is "The Gravy Train" aka "The Dion Brothers" a little '70s crime comedy written by Terence Malick and starring Keach and Margot Kidder back when she was crazy hot. It's not available on home video and I've only seen a handful of clips online but

@avclub-619b59647202cbdf6d2f263301bf7286:disqus yeah, that's probably how I'd describe it, though maybe a little friendlier. My interview with him was right after Katrina, which I'd experienced a bit of in central Mississippi (damage was more like a really bad tornado up where we were) and we started off talking about

Even worse, he seems to have sworn off having bands play on his albums. I would pay good money to see an RHP or Sun Kil Moon full band show, but I'm growing weary of his acoustic albums and shows.

He was fairly talkative in my interview. This was in '05 or '06, after the original lineup was done and he'd made an album with new guys under the Son Volt name. Maybe he's been humbled and softened in recent years?

I appreciate your thoughts but I will only say that I think you're giving Smith entirely too much credit and will end up being very disappointed.