Curly Jefferson

How about the dude at 2:13?

I was actually disappointed in the lack of Drowning Pool in this trailer. :(

I've been in love with her for years. She's someone who has only become sexier with age. Dug the dark hair in The Hangover. Sorry the filmmakers made her such an unbelievable shrew.

Buying used music is pretty awesome if you go to a place like I do that has a section of "very scratched" CDs which all play perfectly and only cost between $.50 to $1. As for the guy who sold those CDs, I just feel bad for him for probably only making a handful of nickles on the deal.

Funny, I think Green has been more interested in being over the top and pushing the boundaries of good taste this season than adding much poignancy to the proceedings. Green's stuff seems more like it takes place in "comedy world" with weird things happening at all times and everyone's a freakshow—whereas Hill focuses

@avclub-64f027640f63616a277e92096313264f:disqus That's fair. I think he's a very good stand up (or at least I like his CD a lot) but he's often talked about his ultimate goal being to write jokes that wouldn't be funny unless he said them in his own specific way. That's fine for a performer, I guess, but pretty much

The part where Carolla plays what is clearly an Ivanka overdub is so great. Makes me feel foolish for not catching it the first time around. But I already thought the whole audience going silent during the "You suck" part was editing trickery while I was watching it. He drops a few more bits throughout the week, like

It was a wildly unfocused interview, with leaps back and forth in time. I think a lot of that falls on Maron, although you would have thought Kaling had never been interviewed before, as she didn't really help him out saying "this happened, then this happened". She skipped over large chunks of her life and then would

Toasterlad, you're supposed to keep your Holmes hate to the Podmass threads. You promised.

I think it must be. I know he's talked about Jaime Pressly being a star of the show he writes for. It's a shame for him. How come the guy can't get a better gig?

I don't think any of them have released a solo album. I know Stipe has done solo tracks here and there, and maybe Mills has too, but no solo albums. Side projects, sure.

Why do we get excited about any girl in a bikini? Boobs. Surprisingly shapely ones. What difference does it make what studio is releasing their movie?

@avclub-ebaecc92914b0c48ee244d59fcc39102:disqus Spielberg actually changed his segment after being forced to finish the film. His original segment (The Monsters are Due on Maple Street) would have called for a child to work out doors at night and featured frightening special effects, so he obviously scrapped that

Actually, Spielberg tried to abandon the project after the accident but Warner Bros. lawyers insisted they proceed, as cancelling production might be viewed as an admission of guilt. It actually hurt Spielberg's image a lot at the time (when he was pretty untouchable) and I'm sure he would have been happy to scrap the

It's sitting at 92% on Rotten Tomatoes with 36 reviews in, 7 which are top critics. That could potentially turn around drastically by Friday, but I don't think it'll be in F territory.

They weren't great as a live act back in '01, but they've improved a ton since then and put on a hell of a show. Sounds like some annoying hype soured you on them though, which is a shame.

I dunno, but that just made me think that it's probably only a matter of time before Cameron Crowe gets around to making a movie about his experience going back to high school to write Fast Times at Ridgemont High and the shit storm that ensued.

I think it's more of a way to open up discussion about any brilliant unscripted moments that happened on set than a statistical question (which is how Hill seemed to take it). Tasha knows what she's doing.

I think his parents were wealthy and well-connected, which usually doesn't hurt with the popularity. It is hard to believe that he was considered cool with bleached blonde hair, but then I remembered how some of my friends looked from 1998-2002…

Re: She's The Man. I've only seen the .gif of her dancing in a bikini top. Seemed pretty good from that 2 second clip.