Curly Jefferson

It's got that horrible kid who was also in Near Dark. Kid threatens to ruin every scene he's in.

I thought Josh Brolin had that one cornered.

And true, too!

I kind of agree, even though I'm not sure if I'd consider it necessarily conservative or materalistic, it's also not a big leap considering Zemeckis is a pretty conservative filmmaker. Politically he may be a Democrat, but some of his films are entrenched with Reagen-esque values. See: Forrest Gump

"what can only be described as nerd rage" Thank you for making me laugh out loud.

Yeah I'd like to know what the story was there. Did they just ignore what had happened between them?

It's not like Anderson's movies are ever hard-Rs. Cut out a few cuss words and most of his movies could be PG-13 (though Rushmore would lose something without the handjob references).

Fun fact: Wes Anderson was a top choice to direct the new reboot.

Also, he and Wilson once worked on a script for a western. Can't recall the name right now, it was mentioned briefly in an old Premiere magazine article. I think they made Royal Tenenbaums instead.

I had a dream that he directed an adaptation of the great '60s crime novel The Deep Blue Good-by by John D. Macdonald. It was great.

There's some Badlands in there.

The patch madras pants sold me.

It is disappointing that Owen Wilson's first instinct is not to co-write well respected, well liked indie films with his old buddies, but instead, do voice overs for talking dog movies.

Because he looks like he's from the future. Dignan says it, I believe.

I'm not suggesting there's collusion going on, I just think there's a stigma when you've been hyped as big as The Strokes were and then they just kind of fizzled. I think they're viewed as something of a disappointment, and this new album isn't going to change anyone's mind in that regard, and the side effect of that

If Angles had been made by anyone else, it would have been on a lot more year-end lists. They've got that "used to be cool" stench on them that just won't wash off. Oh well, I love 'em.

There's a ton of bands in NYC, and not many of them even reveal anything about their backgrounds in their interviews (nor are they asked unless it makes for a good story), so none of us can exactly refute Carney's statement, but it's hard to corroborate, too (save for The Strokes). I don't doubt that there are

@avclub-85d8ce590ad8981ca2c8286f79f59954:disqus who's to say the kid didn't pick bass on his own? Maybe he saw a sad future where was the latest in a long line of Dweezil Zappas and Sean Lennons, so he chose a different instrument. Also, this is ignoring the fact that he may very well play guitar, as do many bassists.

You realize there is almost no chance the kid would overshadow him so…why set him up for disappointment? If you don't understand what I mean, google "Jeff Jordan."

And that transition was an improvement. What about that weird redneck wedding show where Tom Arnold would pop up on the screen and read a "joke" off a cue card? Man, there's some terrible viewing on CMT. GAC ALL THE WAY, BABY.