Curly Jefferson

20 years? Automatic for the People came out in '92. Had you said 15, I'd have a harder time arguing with you.

R.E.M. have pretty much been going downhill as far as mainstream appeal for the past 15 years or so, but for anyone who grew up listening to college or even mainstream radio in the years 1984-1995, their influence was pretty massive. They were the gateway to indie rock (or college rock/alternative). Actually, members

I have to agree, even though I love both Wilco and Radiohead. R.E.M. was also prolific as hell, coming out with an album a year for five years straight (Murmur through Green), all classics.

I think you're probably right, or maybe an A&R guy just heard "I Am Trying To Break Your Heart" and flipped out. I feel like if he'd gotten to "Jesus Etc" or "Heavy Metal Drummer" or "Pot Kettle Black" they would see that it's actually a very pop-friendly album with huge hooks.

I think you could have made a great argument with Z that MMJ was the American Radiohead (doesn't hurt that they used The Bends producer), but lately they've been more like a less jokey Ween, trying out a variety of styles with each outing making for some good but inconsistent albums.

Please like me!

I like Wilco, Radiohead AND The Raspberries.

Sam Raimi is reading all this and he's NEVER going to make that Evil Dead sequel if you guys keep this up.

If the only reviews up were from genre movie websites, I can see why it was 100%.

Same here. Loved Shotgun Stories. It's weird, I originally heard about it because I'm a fan of the band Lucero (Nichols' brother is the lead singer of the band, and they did the music). I wasn't expecting much but it turned out to be a fantastic little film. Very glad to see it got wide recognition and is leading to

I saw some interview between him and Nichols and I was expecting Shannon to have a soft southern drawl like he sports in Shotgun Stories and he doesn't AT ALL, he has a very loud speaking voice and his accent is closer to Chicago than Kentucky. Threw me off.

But…naked Kirsten Dunst makes it better right? RIGHT?

Or Green Hornet.

I thought Gonzo was only half good. Way too much emphasis on Bush and Iraq to the extent that it dates the movie even 3 years later. Clearly Bush and Iraq were important to Thompson's anger towards the end of his life, but it seems like Gibney concentrated on his own election 2008 agenda at the expense of a more

Well said. It's a five star EP, but a 3 (maybe 3.5) star album. The b-side "Glad It's Over" (that showed up on the Heroes soundtrack of all places) recorded around the same time is also very good. No idea who picked that tracklist but they should be shot (unless it was the Tweedster). http://www.youtube.com/watc…

It doesn't, but they're so goddamn good at guitar rock it's like having a superpower you never use.

I think it can be much easier to see the progression as logical and organic in hindsight than it was at the time. A band mostly known for Americana music with Beatles influences comes out with an album that's heavy on dissonance, cut and paste-style lyrics and scratchy sound effects? Suddenly they're getting called

All the Jay Bennett stuff is pretty compelling. I dunno, I enjoyed that flick. Not terribly rewatchable, but still very good.

Good call, I always forget Loose Fur did that version. Those YHF demos are killer.

Mermaid Ave is amazing stuff. I think Tweedy must have learned a lot from that experience. Loose Fur has a few good Tweedy tracks too—"Born Again in the USA" and "Chinese Apple" are two standouts.