Curly Jefferson

I find it hard to believe I couldn't go to a Suncoast at the mall right now. Times they are a-changin'!

The feeling I get is that if they did take the coke stuff out, they could have maybe have pushed for a PG-13 and sold it to a younger audience. Always with the tweens, these studios.

He was friends with Kunis. Topher, Seth Green and Macaulay Culkin are all buds.

Always thought it was amazing that American Graffiti was made like 11 years after it takes place, and just as much if not more had changed in those 11 years than has changed between '88 and now.

I recall he also wanted to do a biopic about abolitionist John Brown. Could be kind of great to see Tarantino film the Raid on Harpers Ferry. Also likely to be borderline offensive.

I understand the tendency to give Feig credit but…what has Feig really done that's noteworthy? Regardless, it seems like Apatow is a good collaborator and the two pushed each other to do their best work.


Not saying it's not a valid way for them to act or feel, just saying that it seemed like Simon seemed very much in their corner without deviating or flipping the sentiment on its ear. I don't expect that much black and white from Simon.

"The other problem is that the show mostly depicts native New Orleans residents in positive terms as suffering angels while making outsiders look ignorant, etc. "
Yes. I guess I quit after 5 episodes or so, but this was my problem with it. I kept waiting for them to turn it around on the natives like, "hey, maybe

I heard he'd already decamped to a some place warm. A place where the beer flows like wine and the women instinctively flock like the salmon of Capistrano. A little place called ASSPEN.

Just when I think the Farrellys couldn't get any dumber, they go and do something like this.

Have that one on my shelf, I need to read it. Apparently the Coens wrote a script for it a few years ago (as a writing job, they weren't going to direct).

My point is Farrelly and Jones are bringing this stuff up like, "hey! isn't this a thing we all talk about? something we can all relate to? what if we really did it?" all in order to sell the movie. It's a press junket. Maybe they really do talk about cheating on their wives or maybe they don't, but they're trying to

Just a thought: you guys may be reading a little too much into an interview meant to sell you on a far fetched premise.

Haven't seen King's Speech, but I will say that Fincher made me forget I was watching a Sorkin scripted film, which is tough to do and good for me, as I'm not normally a Sorkin fan, but I loved it.

It's funny to see how nerdy these guys are. Not just Wheaton, but Hardwicke too. Back when he was on Singled Out, I always assumed the dude was a "cool guy" who boned Jenny McCarthy on the sly. I had no idea he was just another geek who made good.

Then you won't get to take full advantage of the 3-D! You'll just wonder why they camera is lingering on the flame from Cage's Zippo for ten seconds.

I wanted to see this cause it looked like ridiculous fun, but the C is throwing me off. If it was a D- or F, I'd be in. Likewise if it was an A or B. But C? Now I'm just not sure.

What was Major League: Back to the Minors with Scott Bakula if not Major League 3?

Yeah, I don't understand why no one talks about how weird his hair is. I'd even put it on Trump's level.