Curly Jefferson

I like his solo Pulaski a lot better than the version on here.

Yeah, The Jaunt is amazing. Surprised no one's made a movie out of that one.

Talisman, definitely my favorite King book. I really do need to read some Straub. My other King faves would be The Long Walk and Salem's Lot. I never finished The Stand. I'm not someone who doesn't finish books or can't read a long book, I just lost interest. Same with It, actually. Pet Semetary has been on my shelf

Check newswire from last week…dude just produced a Comedy Central pilot with fellow Scientologist/former Pussy Posse member Ethan Suplee.

I had to take a First Year seminar as a freshman called "Solving the Mystery." The prof broke us up into two groups and gave us each a movie to try to "unlock." One group got Memento, my group got Mulholland freaking Drive. It was immediately obvious that she'd given Memento to the jocks and waterheads.

I thought DiCaprio intentionally tried to look like Nolan because he realized the character basically was Nolan.

I think what makes Scientology creepier than most religions is the either spoken or unspoken promise that it will help your career, especially if you're an actor. Like every actor who joins is going to end up like Tom Cruise. Then again, maybe they're right, or how else do you explain Danny Masterson still getting

Hey man, why not just meet me at the Celebrity Centre for lunch? Make sure you block out the rest of the afternoon! :-)!

I think I read that Seinfeld was talked into classes back in the '70s…before people really knew what it was and it was probably just a trendy thing to do. But he only went a couple of times.

I could see them doing a one off show like Pink Floyd did. It'd have to be for charity though. Hey, if Brian Hennemann is still smoking and without health insurance, it could be imminent!

That was a very weird script, but I kinda wanna see it. Not in place of Nolan's version, but just as a "hey what if?" type one-off.

They wrote 1408, didn't they?

Those Wizard cast lists could be genius.

Richard Stark's Parker HBO series
I recall reading on AICN in the mid 2000s that there was going to be an HBO series based on Richard Stark/Donald Westlake series (a few of which have been produced as movies, most famously as "Payback" and "Point Blank" which were based on the first book in the series, "The Hunter").

How about HOMEGROWN? We've only heard bits and pieces of that one. When the hell are we getting that one from the archives, Neil?

For a while I thought everyone had forgotten this and maybe I'd dreamt it. Thank you for reminding me I'm not crazy. Not about this, anyway.

There's a bunch of potential Alien3 scripts available online.

I remember reading that at one time he wanted Nicholson for Napoleon. That would have been interesting.

I still like Billy Madison and Happy Gilmore. I can't help it.

I had Ale8 once, I recall it tasting a bit like ginger ale. Is that a false memory?