
I'm a Far Beyond Driven guy too.

I honestly don't think you should have to fit into the D&D kids box (or any box, exactly) to be a metal kid. And  outcast, creep, loser, and nerd are difficult to define. Do you not get to like metal if you played sports in school? Even if you were a decent guy who never stole lunch money or picked on anyone?

Yeah, I get that. But you could also argue Nirvana begat Bush begat Nickelback, and I've never heard people talk about Nirvana being bad for rock and roll.

I love Always Was, Is And Always Shall Be, in large part because of how funny it is to think of as being a GG Allin record.

Ringworm's asskicking prowess can never be disputed. Human Furnace, bitch!

As I said above, I'm not a groove person by any means, but the fact that a band influenced later artists and genres who were mostly shitty shouldn't be blamed on that band.

Is this because they inspired a bunch of slapdick copycats and were influential to shitty subgenres? Because a lot of bands have that problem.

Plus, they know where the Craig James hookers are buried.

Jesus, you guys.

Yeah, that's an undeniably bad tattoo. Which I say as someone who loves women with tattoos.

So that's what they're calling it nowadays.

No, she is, that's not weird. It'd be weird to appreciate her for her insights, or some shit.

In that no reasonable person can figure out why anyone talks about either of them as much as they do?

I'll be in my bunk.

In the parody, someone actually gets the entire ping-pong table inside them.

He's a very literal man.

"Video store…? Walked…?"

Oh okay.

Or, uh, thirty-somethings.

Get me another beer, Pantera, this one's warm!