
I too had questions galore about this show. It is interesting and keeps you engrossed but then you start to think about it. I have never understood why Wes is such a focal point and the feelings he has for Rebecca are weird. There are a lot of why's in this show.
I wasn't sure I was going to continue watching as it

I'm hoping the winter finale takes my breath away!!!

My thought exactly!!! There is more to Bonnie and I can not wait to get her back story.

You hit the nail on the head, unpleasant and not interesting. Each week I keep hoping that something occurs that makes me like her. The relationship between Annalise and her husband appears very dry and empty. Can figure them out.

LOL..I'm like NO WAY!!! this must be a hallucination!

Vey intense episode, But I am unclear as to what is the end game with Carrie? Why are they targeting her? Clare Danes is an incredible actress.

I agree, I think identifying the wall paper is a bit of a reach…

I was sad to see Chalky go.. but understand why it went down the way it did. I really hate they have short changed this season. Oh well 1 more to go…

I like the way he went out to. It was the character we were introduced too. I love the way he snapped on Capone. He'd been holding that in for sooo long and just exploded!

I agree with a lot said in this episode review. Although like most, I was floored when Viola stripped down to the basics, I felt it had layered meanings. For one it was as if she was saying it is time pull the covers off and deal with the reality of things.
I also agree that the characters lack depth at the moment. I

really..I guess I should not be surprised.. The FB fan page has crazy love for this show.

I really loved this episode. Each week is better and better, they have hit their stride. I am glad Vasiliy is now part of the team. I felt he would be the better fit with Abe. He is no nonsense about it. They must be killed without hesitation, period.

Great episode, each week is getting better and better. I enjoyed the history of how Abe and Eich's bond began. I was a little annoyed with Eph in that he still questions that Abe knows what he is stalking about.
Also who were the hooded guys? What a twist!!! Cant wait to find out who, what and why they are what they are

I didn't get it?????

OMG!! it was a bore…I was happy for few show that I actually watch, but it was really a night for breaking bad.. from what I've been hearing, it really deserved it.

LOL.. you know so many people are describing this show as porn. I keep watching, trying to figure out how it relates to saving a marriage or marriage at all. Most of the folks on the FB page seem to really "love" the show and are able to "justify it" I for one can't.
I keep asking what is the point of this story??? It

I admit I did like this episode a bit better than the rest. As the reviewer stated it appears to be gaining momentum. I was glad they gave us a little background on the exterminator. I really like his character and will be glad when he takes a more central role.
What was with the guy chained up, when did that happen

Pilot was entertaining. Great surgery scenes. Some have made mentioned about the snarky, drug addicted being over done. I actually thought Clive pulled it off ( just like the guy on Rush except he is not snarky). I think the pilot set us up for great storylines to unfold.
With so much talk about the music, I have to

Yes!!! I agree, He has everything except that breakout role. I hope it happens for him too.

OH… The Strain is straining my patience!! I really want to love this show, but I am barely liking it. Each week I hope they move things along, and just when I think it has, it stops short. Nora… after being the one to bring up Setrakian and the need to speak with him, she freaks out. After seeing all that she has