
Well I thought it was a pretty good episode.

I would be rather appalled if the expectant Mrs. Bolton were to find herself slipping casually into a pit, to the true delight of a dozen or so canine creatures, none of which of course would have anything to do with Ramsay. But it doesn't seem utterly improbable does it?

Oliver Sava is not a good writer or reviewer, but I thoroughly agree with him that the last few episodes of this season were pretty awful.

Great recap, hit the nail on the head with the strange behavior of the Inhumans once they were told one of them is possibly infected, it was a pretty exaggerated and not totally credible reaction from everyone BUT the person who was actually infected, you'd think at the very least Lincoln and Joey would've been a bit

Didn't anyone else find it odd that a) Dan never texted, called or saw Chloe after his whole ordeal with Malcolm. You'd think he would contact her, if not to tell her what happened (and why not?) then at least to say something about the text he didn't send.
b) Why didn't Dan and Chloe speak a single word to each other

You mean other than 75% of the show? Yeah I suppose if they cut out three quarters of it and removed all the insanely boring and formulaic procedural parts it could be a decent show.

This made no sense whatsoever and moved so fast I could barely make out if the characters were human. Not a completely unenjoyable season overall (mainly thanks to decent acting and visuals) but could have been so much better.

I'd love to know how many of the people who liked this comment actually watch regularly Japanese films that don't have white guys in them.

How many of the people who liked this comment actually watch regularly Japanese films that don't have white guys in them?

Well played, guy who writes on the Internet about fantasy TV shows.

The film was great. Does that mean they should make a sequel? Of course not. But if the writer still feels he has something left to say, who are we to question.

I like that you're giving Denis & Deakins most of the credit but you've gone a bit too far. The film also had a good script and an excellent cast. Does that mean they should make a sequel? Of course not. But if the writer still feels he has something left to say who are we to tell him otherwise?

Sicario vs DEA: Dawn of Injustice

Good episode but two things I'm struggling with - why did Nobu not continue to try and finish our little Devil and get everyone hooked back up on the happy tubes (he said himself they weren't finished) instead of calling a stalemate, retreating with the urn and conceding future harassment? Makes little sense,

They specifically mentioned that Reyes managed to super-speed up the trial commencement.

So let me get this, it would've been better not to have queer character of color at all than to have one that's killed off? AV Club writers' recent obsession with race is seriously off putting.

That's very interesting and helpful in a sense that there's a more philosophical grounding to the magic, an actual deeper theory, I'm genuinely glad and wish the show integrated more of that as well. But even that doesn't get enough into the technicalities (the nuts & bolts that you mention) for us to understand how

Thank god no more Oliver Sava for a while.

What on earth is wrong with you Mr. Reviewer, these two episodes were brilliant. It seems you're too busy with analyzing representation (making some ludicrous points about it too - 90% of people in these series have something or other horrible happen to them) and petty sensitive political correctness to enjoy a

Well then why did the sea levels rise so much, fusion emissions?