
Geologist brofist! Another game to look into would be Dwarf Fortress - among the many things it meticulously details is the geology of the world - being dwarves and all, that stuff is important, and boy, does it deliver. There's not just garnets to mine, there's almandine, grossularite, and spessartine, tourmaline in

Fun fact: Crackheads pay for their drugs in Tide because it's easier to steal it from a shelf than to shake down passers-by, and bodegas don't mind buying up cheap detergent.

Speaking of IndyCar, the season after Wheldon's death, they released a new chassis for the series with a stated emphasis on safety - Wheldon was a test driver for it, though, so one didn't directly lead to another, but I think it refocused where their emphasis was. As a result, the last two seasons (and especially the