Apparently he's big on Instagram. Apparently being big on Instagram is now worth recognition.
Apparently he's big on Instagram. Apparently being big on Instagram is now worth recognition.
Musician might be overstating it. He hangs out with musicians in studios, and stamps his name on the songs.
Here's a Toyota for US sale vs a Toyota for Mexican sale. You can watch the Mexican car's steering wheel crush the dummies neck.…
What's a "K-Mart"? Is that like a Target?
Foundation wasn't too bad, but The Gods Themselves featured a sex scene starring an alien species with three genders. That was a weird book.
One of the lead designers of Firefall was ex-Dynamix. I had to look it up, but it wasn't Jeff Tunnell. That would have been somewhat ironic.
Somewhere is the one where movie Hermione Granger is black.
Watching Kilborn briefly attempt to take Carrot Top seriously.
And I'd also like to see the Demolition Man remake where the gangs from the original intro are replaced with paranoid white militias.
There's definitely some things happening in law enforcement a new Robocop could comment on. Though I doubt we're going to see a major studio fund that movie.
The Bugs in the Hall?
Oddly enough, the guys that produced Toxic now have their own band, Miike Snow, which is doing pretty well.
I though that said nuts and guns.
Shoulda brought a concertball.
The sight of the review gazing back into you?