
Black Flag
With all the talk about The Clash, I'm surprised that nobody's mentioned Black Flag's decent from Damaged-arguably the pinnacle of hardcore punk, to The Process of Weeding Out-aka Greg Ginn gets really stoned and alienates his last four fans.

"Most influential producer of the last 20 years"
Yet Rick Rubin still manages to ruin an otherwise reasonable Gogol Bordello album. If the dude had just followed Steve Albini's lead and let the guitars shine we'd probably have a much better album on our hands here.

The sax solo at the end is a perfect microcosm of the band. They're unapologetic in their dinosaur-osity in a way that will probably make the Chillwave/Glo-fi set turn up their noses, but will delight the rest of us. Major props should go to the lead guitarist who absolutely shreds the roof off live. Plus there's a

As a Minneapolis resident
and a fan of hip-hop, I am required by law to like this record. I wasn't a fan of Dessa's earlier solo joints, I always thought she did her best on other people's records, but I have to say, this album is pretty great. Still leans a bit to close to the "HEY GUYS DID YOU KNOW I'M A POET AND

I'm a Greek, and I swear to god if MBFGW causes one more person to ask me about how much I use windex I will get Zeus to throw a lightning bolt so far down their throats their shit will turn static.

Excellent Album
I like this record more and more every time I listen to it, and that's been damn near every day for the past two weeks. I keep finding new subtitles, yet the essential muscularity that drew me in is still front and center.