Kajada sounds like Quejada which is Portuguese for a small custard cookie or cream tart.
Kajada sounds like Quejada which is Portuguese for a small custard cookie or cream tart.
I'll take a root beer.
The Pak'ma'ra were very obviously copied from a Dungeons & Dragons monster manual. Mind Flayer anyone?
I could see it being a neat idea since Sam often found himself talking to God, and at times it seemed as if a divine presence was helping out. In a sense, Sam could have been the Job of his day.
I was glancing at a screener for The Descendants recently and had this thought: "Is Robert Duncan McNeil the poorman's Matthew Lillard?"
This sounds very similar to the third act of Return to Oz…
Was it me, or when Quark gets thrown against the wall do we get a brief profile shot of his attacker who looks an awful lot like Dr. Bashir?
"….You're the Canadian."
I enjoyed The Thaw if for no other reason than
1) Creepy clown
2) Janeway gets to be a cold-hearted badass.
You know, this brings up the question, "In a 26 hour day, how many shifts of duty are there?" Is it likely that all the senior officers would be in bed at the same time?
I did like him saying "Its…m-m-m-eeee" then getting phasered into unconsciousness.
I remember liking Starship Down….but thats still a few seasons away.
My older brother's once owned a 3D chess board, though I think it was called "Space Chess." Basically 3 boards with certain squares that let you transport from one level to another. Never really got into it.
Do you think Porky Pig would serve ham at Christmas time?
I'm paraphrasing from a TNG commentor here, but I remember nodding in a
knowing way when I read "…at least it wasn't Sisko & the others
doing 24th century hopscotch and other assorted retardedness…" Its hard to get much worse than this.
Feeling rather Rikered myself, think I'll call it an early night.
A Starfleet Command series could be awesome, unless there were constant, annoying calls from ships and stations apprising Earth of their status and asking how to get in touch with the 1 Klingon in uniform.
SPOILERS…sort of….
Now that the War is done, I imagine there could be a great episode where a Captain is on trial for war crimes and they just refer to how terrible war can be but we never see it. The possibilities are endless!
Beverly seemed like such a prude after that episode….and a bit of a homophobe, now that I think about it.
Someone loosened the Helix Expanders from the Nankor Valve.