The Metallica Defender

Miss Isringhausen
I get who she really was and what she was trying to do to Alma, but I am still not sure to this day that I understand exactly what was going on in the conversations between Miss Isringhausen and Al. Blackmail, yes; Al turned the tables on her, yes; but why the blackmail would have worked in the

I don't remember the exact words, but after Al rants for 45 seconds about all the reasons the telegraph is the embodiment of evil, Dan says something like "Well, you've given it more thought than me."

Ellsworth is equally nice, but his niceness doesn't really manifest until later in the season. I will amend to "Best Person in Deadwood Up to This Point."

Love for Charlie Utter
Between Charlie's stepping up to provide cover for Seth's lie about the letters he never sent and his feigning faintness when Seth was about to go get himself killed, these episodes made Charlie into the Best Person in Deadwood, in my humble opinion.