Waiting for Jerm

I don't even cook rice all that often anymore.  No wonder I've lost so much weight.

As a former high school teacher (in the social sciences), I had to answer this question a lot:

I've also been in my condo for 10 years, and I have yet to even change a light bulb.  I really should turn on the lights more often.

And subscribe to "Better Homes Than Yours"

After 20 years of boxers (and boxer-briefs), I have switched back to briefs.  It's a lot better than I remember.  Is it because I'm in better shape?  Is it because I'm getting older?  Is it because of Bryan Cranston?

An unrelated question.  I was up right before the TI was to be posted, but it didn't show up for me until ten minutes after the hour (with 50 or so comments already posted).

I may have gotten a (grant)writing job, despite never having done this before.  I fear that I will write poorly, and it will result in some youth center being shut down by a large corporation.

It would probably require a $50 cable that you buy from the Apple Store.

That's probably one of the books I'll read next (if there's one thing our school didn't do well, it's teach the children to read).

Now that I'm halfway through the book, I sort of feel that he should have had the wedding on a boat.

All these comments about The Hollow Crown is making me feel regret for not catching the first week.

This thread needs some Olive Cecile.


Seems like the Hawaii thing to do would be to choose whichever song had the longest and least pronounce-able name.

Looking for input, as I am not particularly well read.

"The craziness of anything can happen" is definitely part of it.

I would like to elaborate on Double Whammy's advice:

Hopefully you won't mind that the world "shield" is misspelled on the Flux Capacitor.

Now let's forget our troubles with a big bowl of strawberry ice cream!

Instead of the standard-issue "NNNEEEERRRDDDSS!" roar from Orge-You-Asshole, I'm going to imagine it done by three Alpha Betas in harmony.