Waiting for Jerm

Needed to wait long enough to post a reply to this thread, since my answer is so odd.

Considering the sheer numbers of commenters (and my six hour time difference), it's very easy for me to slip into a "lurk-only" mode.  Any idea that pops into my head is often already on the board.  Every Simpson quote…already taken.

Seriously?  No Johnny Dangerously references?  You are all just a bunch of fargin iceholes.

So I guess you are asking.

I love seeing the look on people's faces when you explain that asking someone how old they are is disrespectful, yet asking them when they graduated from high school is not.

As someone who grew up at the bottom of Koko Head, I guess it would be inevitable that I would learn that story.  It's important not to take the story too far…not many vaginas have gun ranges or stables in them.

All of the talk about flying vaginas has reignited my dream to write something that includes (and possibly dishonors) some little-known bit of Hawaiian culture.

Found out yesterday that a full time position may not open up this semester.  Or next year.  Or…ever?

My bookmark says "The Onion", but many years ago I changed the link so that it goes straight here.  I should really change the name of the bookmark as well.

A local (32 year old) congresswoman seems to be keeping her gray streaks.

Baby got Back.

It's always bugged me that the new opening scene has a HD television, but the connecting cables are not HD-capable.

Let's try a hard one to make sure it wasn't a fluke.

This is my favorite episode.  I know that it's not a popular choice, but defending this opinion is what moved me from referring to this episode as "the one where they play hockey" to learning the actual name.

That's it, Milhouse.  Keep up the chatter!

I went online to look up the first big lego set I've ever had.  It was the castle from 1981.  $48.

The hardest part about playing with Lego at a bar is finding a table that is big enough and at the right height.

Comment/username/avatar synergy!

Congratulations on the job.  I have friends who work at Whole Foods, and they keep telling me to apply.  Unfortunately, the only openings is in prepared foods.  And I want specialty.

I've been doing a lot of reading lately (at the beach, mostly.  I think there are more people reading on the beach than reading in the nearby library), so I've been taking my Lego to bars.