Raucous Dukakis

As Stephen Colbert says, "We're at war, pick a side."

Theodore Francis Leo and his Pharmacists
The list begins and ends here, as far as I'm concerned, I've seen a lot of other amazing shows in my time in all types of music, from Daft Punk to Titus Andronicus to The Feelies to Jeff Tweedy, but Ted Leo is still on top.

Sorry, that should obviously read as "perceived as NOT being edgy". *In Neil Goldman voice* Sorry everybody! Sorry!

Yeah, Cronen, I often agree with Pitchfork, but they've totally marginalized an type of music. Pitchfork has trashed, then ignored Nada Surf, Fountains of Wayne and Illinois for no apparent reason. My guess is that the site is so hung up on the idea of capital-A "Art" that anything perceived as being edgy or lacking

Haha, I'm assuming that that's sarcasm jjack. I was referring to an underlooked, but IMHO all-time great album of the last decade by Nada Surf, without stopping to think that those out of my indie pop ghetto would be confused. Sorry to go and make things so complicated.

I'm pretty sure that the site does have say over the album's numerical review, and you know for something like a 10.0 for Kanye, everyone's gonna get in on that meeting.

Engelbert Humperdinck.

Haha, I never expected to see someone pick A.M. as the one Wilco album they like.

I'm more of a Grenyarnia man, myself.

Skinner: Excuse me, but is there an Orange Julius stand on this floor?

…but you sir are the greatest hero in American history.

I agree that they've gotten a little overblown. The Tain was about as much multipart folk-rock-opera that they could reasonably sustain. I think that they do it well (seeing them on the Crane Wife tour was fantastic) but there's only so much the audience can take.

It's apples to oranges. I mean, sure, they're both sit-coms. But the league is more a Seinfeld, Curb, Sunny show with a cast of amoral characters who mostly just hang out and do ridiculous things so that they can spout humorous one-liners.

Go On…
Yo La Tengo at the Metro you say? Right before D-Plan. Although I fear this is some cosmic retribution for a possibly loveless February, I'm intrigued/excited enough to play along.

Good Charlotte?….?

Steak and Shake what what!

Yeah, Polish Catholicism is like diamonds and herepes - it's forever. But it's interesting to know that Leonard is Catholic. And can post from jail, presumably.

You fucking dunces, one tweet obviously can't change the world, the question is obviously rhetorical. Christ!

I hear you Rophipo, and though I'd argue that HIMYM is the exception that proves the rule, I can see why it might come off at overblown. Clearly AV Clubbers are people who take pop culture a little too seriously, but for me I did have a point behind the hyperbole.

Nice. It's clearly the Polish connection.