Raucous Dukakis

As long as they weren't talking about the Will Smith song, Wild, Wild, West. That is and forever will be the first song on every party mix I make.

I'm ok with the album thing, how about we work on your use of the non-word "irregardless".

Amen to that brother.

My apologies Terry1, upon a second reading it becomes clear that you were at least partially defending Mr. West. Cheerfully withdrawn!

How we stop the black panthers?
Ronald Reagan cooked up an answer
you hear that?
what Gil Scott was "Heron"
when our heroes and heroines got hooked on heroin.
crack raised the murder rate in DC and Maryland
we invested in that it's like we got Merril-Lynched
and we been hangin' from the same tree ever since

You may know it as Myanmar…

If You Thought Good-Ass Job Was Headline Fodder…
Begin posting puerile album title parodies…. now.

Either Tyranny of Distance or Hearts of Oak. I'd go Tyranny, but there's always healthy debate among Leo fans.

Yeah, I too was thinking of flying out for Teddy but saw him in Champaign instead.

Was Al Bundy every NOT an old man?

About 180 pounds.

I think it just has to not massively suck immediately.


Who else…
…is just waiting for Ted Leo day three? I mean, I love pretty much any band on Matador, but does any of them excite more live than Teddy and the boys? I think not.

I hate how people are constantly bemoaning the death of the protest song both in and out of R&B. There are so many people doing incredibly politically aware work. I can see maybe complaining about the balkanization of the music marketplace that means the people are preaching every more to the choir, but there's tons

Dude, the Roots were MADE for white people who feel awkward listening to Hip-Hop, they're a live band, they're conscious, and they're on Jimmy Fallon for Christsakes! I believe it was ?uestlove himself who said that much of the Roots audience consisted of "white guys with beards." (Guilty!)

I will say that their version of "First I Look At The Purse" is pretty awesome. Nick Hornby even wrote an essay about it.

You're right, he is a really interesting dude. He did an interview with Terri Gross on Fresh Air and it was very illuminating. He talked not only about what it's like to interview people for fake interviews but also journalism, what exactly his character is making fun/his inspiration for "Stephen Colbert" and a few

*Ross Perot punches through straw boater*