
I was also shocked the showrunners allowed her that dignified death. Has that even happened before on this show: the cut to black and seemingly pointed avoidance of showing her pass away? It made sense in the context of the "mercy" Jaime was extending, but even then, the camera could have lingered and watched Diana

Expertly composed, expertly delivered. Toeing an extremely fine line like only a goddamn expert could. Extremely impressing comedy special, of which Netflix has surprisingly few.

Holy shit.

Thankfully, I don't think this is just one TV metaphor. All the scenes with Lynch and Chrysta Bell get a bit too meta for my tastes, but that doesn't seem to be the entire focus. It was also very odd to me that Badalamenti featured so prevalently in the promotional work, and then here, his work seemed to be muted

I really cannot wait to talk with folks about how fucking hilarious the third and fourth episode get. MacLachlan was not resting on his laurels by sharpening his comedic talents at all: those comedic talents are exactly as razor-sharp as these scripts call for. And by god, is it entrancingly funny.

Just.. wow. After watching the four premiere episodes, I could write a litany. What I will say with complete confidence is that I am far beyond intrigued. It's astonishing how completely by-the-horns these episodes seem to set a very expansive tableau; the connections, the details, the AGGRAVATING patience! This

you're making it sound like people are judging the relationship based off of something BESIDES its foundationally predatory nature??

What? It's pretty commonly understood that white people dreads are tacky as fuck and unquestionably cultural appropriation. But okay, your vague and unsubstantiated criticism is noted.

No, I do mean Annalise Keating. She's a pretty multi-dimensional character (hard-drinker, specific and memorable speech pattern, penises on dead girls phones) that would automatically play well off of other characters. RuPaul respects and even looks for a certain level of television literacy, as evidenced by this

Exactly this. I think it's really, really heartening to see Oliver look at some of the more questionable aspects of why, when, and how drag is intertwined with a certain mimicry, exploitation and reverence of Black culture, but I think it might have been slightly misplaced here. Kim Chi wrote her jokes, and Faith

I definitely would. Annalise Keating is a pretty good Snatch Game decision, if he wants to go in that direction he has it down.

Bob's reenactment of the why-is-your-penis-on-a-dead-girl's-phone scene on YouTube is a definite must-see.

I thought it was really very clear that the Supreme Court mini-challenge involved the queens writing their own jokes? That's why Kim Chi's joke about the law firm doesn't really align with this whole "racial insensitivity" critique for me. Sorry, but it's just straight-up not racist for Kim Chi to make a joke like

It's so easy for comedies to devolve into blatant, unfunny transphobia, and I think it's important to point out how thoughtfully this episode was written. The hilarity wasn't sacrificed for "PC-ness" or whatever, it was just taking valid lived experiences and treating them respectfully in a comedic (and highly

That was quite early on, when she was more out of outline. I personally liked her from the beginning, though, and she's the source of some of the funniest lines in this episode. Her pronunciation of "lingerie", the way she cutely threatens to kill Dan as she's dragged away from the fight, etc.

Myles has a great series of tweets about this. Definitely worth reading, helped me understand the situation more than anything.

Yeah, that seems infinitely more likely. Depressing, but likely.

In 100% agreement here. I truly believe Rey is the synthesis of the perfect Star Wars protagonist, and she may have even been designed that way. Especially in comparison to Anakin and most of Luke. I do still really like Leia, Qui-Gon Jinn, and of course Obi-Wan, though.

You too!! ^____^

There would have to be some plot apparatus that leaves Ahsoka out of commission for some time, yeah. Completely. There has to be some drastic plot apparatus to explain anyone in this specific context. I do really think the idea that Vader would want to keep Ahsoka to potentially corrupt instead of simply kill her is a