
chineses-landownerses has onlys gots tos puts esses ats thes ends ofs ever'thins.

'Cause his father was an escaped Nazi hiding out in Kenya.

Pardon me, but I want to hear the town in America where this DOESN'T happen …

"All men die,
Not every man truly lives."
Makes ya think …

Fail you
Fat loser ><

… which was also actually a penis for Leia's race of space shemales.

Math correct, conclusion wrong. Means in coming years we should expect to be overwhelmed by hordes of fuming nosepickers, with bad breath & yellow teeth. I've seen the future, brother, it is murder …


The first time …
a Republican tried comedy, an angel slit her wrists …

Gah yourself, I've actually seen all these pictures & MBS is right. (Except for confusing Repulsion with Tess - what a tool!)

Oddly I think I would put it more in common with Eraserhead than Pi. Knife in the Water is better & The Fearless Vampire Killers is hilarious if you're 13 years old.

Mississippi Mud continues its life in ice cream blends …

Will it just piss on everyone's parade if I suggest that 'pop' & 'culture' are not just contradictory terms, they are mutually exclusive?


Looks like
half Fisher King, half Angel Eyes - 100% Adam Sandler. Let's see, what does that add up to … 200% or Zero, depending on how far you got in Algebra.

Is it my imagination …
or do I smell an Amelie-Gwyneth cat fight in the offing … ?


@TWf S -

Poor baby, Bret!
Shall I have Josi rub something on it?

What about 'The Turk'?
Phipps, how could you forget The Turk - virtually contemporaneous with the Camel Man, he was a skinny little puke with curly black hair & a mega black mustache, always out panning for gold or some such shit, always with a girl hanging on his arm & another one in the background wishing she was