
Ms. Rubber Man will be the sitcom spin-off… the wacky adventures of a young Rubber Woman trying to make it in a Rubber Man's world. Like That Girl, but with more fetish wear and ghost-rape.

R.I.P. Jean Seberg. Never forget!

I'm going to get the audiobook version, so I can close my eyes and pretend she's actually hanging out with me.

“Tengo remembered his older girlfriend… Her deep sighs, her tasty cupcakes.”

Did they mention Dawes at all?

You're a doctor of Trolling, I presume?

I would leap to Tobias's defence, but the guy said mean things about Jeunet, so fuck him.

This has already been done (again)

Ah, you almost made me read an article about vaginoplasty! Well played, sir.

I gave up on the show last week, and I refuse to go back! I don't care if the next episode gets an "A"! I won't go back, y'hear me? I WON'T GO BACK!!!

Y'know who's really cute… that chick who sings for Black Veil Brides!

"Forget it, Donny, you're out of your element!"

In your defence, I remember Rodriguez saying that he tried to direct it in Tarantino's style!

But she's sooo adorkable!

I often wear a raisin bagel, but it's purely for decoration.


This may just be his way of softening us up for a Wild Palms remake.

Soda with Sodomites!

"Iron Fist in a Velvet Puss"?