
I think they've been subtly foreshadowing it for a while. With comments such as "wow, you're so good at interviews" "The public loves you…" etc…

I legitimately forgot about Jason OMara until you mentioned it. Whatever happened with that? Kalinda destroyed him and sent him to the land of ex-husbands?

If Diane leaves Lockhart Gardner, will it stay LG or become Canning Lee?

I think what was weird about Cary was that we never knew him beyond the surface. But this new scene with Kalinda (and a lot of the rest of the episode) showed this weird darkness we had never really seen before. Guys, Matt Czuchry's beautiful face is a red herring.

It's not the apocalyptic sign that everyone is making it out to be, but it definately not a good sign. Plus it does have low ratings for Fox.

It was so odd seeing Dennis Reynolds making a genuinely vulnerable romantic gesture. Credit to Glenn Howerton.

From an outside perspective, Matty's been slumming it the whole time. He's incredibly popular and handsome and Jenna's the loser who tried to kill herself. In a typical high school stranger's perspective, Matty is slumming it hardcore because they don't know all the other details.

I totally agree. I also think Alicia and Cary are going to eventually grow into friends. Alicia needs some sort of friend.

Every time before I watch Gossip Girl I think "For once Dan and Blair will have a nice story that progresses each character and the plot nicely and Blair won't be dragged down by all the "passion" and "epic love" that is her relationship with Chuck.

As far as Kalinda's loyalty I'm thinking

Speculation: That Doctor was the Flesh. Thus liking apple, playing with rubik's cube, shot of shoes.

I think that's true. Like I will never truely see Matt Smith as the doctor because I started with David Tennant, who is MY doctor. not saying that Matt Smith isn't wonderful, but you never forget your first….doctor.

Which is why I liked that the Doctor was in love with her because it meant the Doctor loved the viewer. Who wouldn't want that?

Ahhhhh. I'm a straight female. I have a huge girl crush on her but sleeping with her would have no appeal to me. So I don't buy the let's risk our lives for Amy Pond mentality

I just feel like there are no companions who are special enough to him to be in there.

River is not a companion. She's like some sort of other thing. I don't think she's so interesting. Moffat clearly has some of hard on for her.

Unless she has some sort of magical power down there, not worth it.

How is River more? Because she's a companion baby/TARDIS baby? ehhhh

It's sad. Rory has been through so much trauma. Amy got to live her dream and what did Rory get? Travelling with the Doctor requires absolute faith in him which Rory never had. After all he's seen how is he not jaded? How is he still kind?

I have so much rage over them not mentioning Rose more. Rose was supposed to have been special. But now River is the Doctor's new squeeze? Um, no.