
I wasn't going to watch this anyway so I guess I'm an activist now?

More than okay with that

I actually watched the first episode (because it was after the Devil Wears Prada and I was too lazy to change the channel) and kinda liked it? I didn't think it was amazing or groundbreaking, but it was good, mindless entertainment that I didn't need to think too hard about.

Nina πŸ‘πŸ» Bo'Nina πŸ‘πŸ» Brown πŸ‘πŸ» should πŸ‘πŸ» have πŸ‘πŸ» been πŸ‘πŸ» Black πŸ‘πŸ» Chyna

Jesus these critiques are so damn harsh. It was a solid Snatch Game with more good than bad, and Peppermint slayed that lip sync. It's at least a B.

"Mimi, lock yourself in the closet."
"Way ahead of you!"

I feel like I still reference this speech once a week.

This is an insult to Paris Geller.

I don't think I could handle it if Janet was revealed to be bad/a phony the entire time.

Nah, just weirdly turning me on

All this just makes me feel like I should get a subscription to Teen Vogue, which I feel would be weird since I'm a 24 year old guy.

That picture of Sam is doing things to me…

I've been going through Fire Emblem Fates again. After the election it's kind of cathartic to take down an evil crazy dictator after the whole election thing.

After the past week I'm really looking forward to playing a new PokΓ©mon game. It'll be nice to relax and zone out from all the shit in the world.

I bought Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE on a whim after I saw all the good press it was getting, so I'll get to go home to that after work. It looks anime as fuck but I'm pretty excited to play a new JRPG on a console for once.

Will it be anything like Snatch Game???

No mention of Persona 3? I've always thought that "Memories of You" was a fantastic, bittersweet song for the ending of that game.

I thought that Will Forte was working on a MacGruber sequel, but I haven't heard much about it recently. I'm with you though. MacGruber is one of my favorite comedies.

Meelo did it back in the first season when the kids defended Lin on the island from the Equalists. I'm not sure if it ever happened again until this episode. It's still funny to see, though.

No mention of Ikki repeatedly lifting and using her arms as she was tied up to the chair by the two Earth Empire soldiers? I thought that was one of the funniest parts of the episode. That, and Meelo having far more artistic skill than any of his ancestors.