Clint Westwood

Heroin addiction—how very bohemian!

Heroin addiction—how very bohemian!

Heroin addiction—how very bohemian!

This was complete garbage. I had recorded it, and I turned it off a few minutes in, after realizing it was nothing but a program-length Apple ad. Then I watched Downton Abbey, and realized that part of the beauty of period pieces is that nobody can build an episode around modern products.

It would be better if he was smoking a giant spliff.

Yeah, once he started on the astrology stuff I knew he'd have nothing worthwhile to say. Never mind being a Leo; he should try to be more of a STOP sign.

This show is starting to seem a little like Hogan's Heroes, where the POWs would just attache a fake moustache and put on a funny hat and fool everybody. Are we supposed to believe that Martha could walk into the travel agency and not recognize her "husband"?

It would be kind of interesting if the way they decided to turn Stan was to have him start an affair with Elizabeth. Both Philip and Elizabeth regularly engage in tactical infidelity, but it would be an entirely different situation if she was doing it with Stan.

I live in the DC area and one thing I really enjoy is the way they try to get little local details correct. I also like it because I'm a fogey and remember this era pretty well.

I don't think Lucy was contemplating suicide. I think she was contemplating throwing herself down the stairs to abort the baby.

Wasn't it Dr. Matt’s soon-to-be-ex-wife who gave Jessica's soon-to-be-ex-husband a handjob, not the other way around?