Miniature Coffee

There's a lot of annoying, terrible use of opera on TV shows, but whoever chose the aria "Dove sono" for the montage of broken-up couples obviously knows and likes The Marriage of Figaro. It was very fitting and my favorite moment of the series so far.

There's a lot of annoying, terrible use of opera on TV shows, but whoever chose the aria "Dove sono" for the montage of broken-up couples obviously knows and likes The Marriage of Figaro. It was very fitting and my favorite moment of the series so far.

Oh, that's a great one! One of my favorite Hermes moments. I especially like their use of "Little Bird, Little Bird."

Oh, that's a great one! One of my favorite Hermes moments. I especially like their use of "Little Bird, Little Bird."

Nobody was making fun of Ron Howard—I can't emphasize that enough.

Nobody was making fun of Ron Howard—I can't emphasize that enough.

Seconding Lucky Louie. Also, the Ben Stiller Show would be especially interesting because some of it holds up but some of it is terribly dated.

Seconding Lucky Louie. Also, the Ben Stiller Show would be especially interesting because some of it holds up but some of it is terribly dated.

I love how at the end of the Lucille/Kitty drink-off, Lucille nonchalantly says she has to get back to rehab.

I love how at the end of the Lucille/Kitty drink-off, Lucille nonchalantly says she has to get back to rehab.

If there is a S3, god I hope they get rid of Sean and Beverly's assistant—she's like April from Parks & Rec if she wasn't funny at all.

If there is a S3, god I hope they get rid of Sean and Beverly's assistant—she's like April from Parks & Rec if she wasn't funny at all.

Baby looked at you?!? Sarah, get me Superintendent Chalmers.

Baby looked at you?!? Sarah, get me Superintendent Chalmers.

The only problem with the "rip everybody apart" school of thought is it makes it difficult for artists to know what others perceive them as doing well and move their work in that direction—I can remember being at a workshop for professional musicians where we were asked to make a list of our strengths and weaknesses,

The only problem with the "rip everybody apart" school of thought is it makes it difficult for artists to know what others perceive them as doing well and move their work in that direction—I can remember being at a workshop for professional musicians where we were asked to make a list of our strengths and weaknesses,

I really like your point re: slap-dash approach, I hadn't thought about that before. It becomes a bigger deal when you think about Podmass being one of the only places (or maybe *the* only place) that does weekly podcast reviews.

I really like your point re: slap-dash approach, I hadn't thought about that before. It becomes a bigger deal when you think about Podmass being one of the only places (or maybe *the* only place) that does weekly podcast reviews.

I think at the end of this scene is where Tobias-as-Mrs.-Featherbottom starts his "whenever I get a wee bit scared" song, which slays me.

I think at the end of this scene is where Tobias-as-Mrs.-Featherbottom starts his "whenever I get a wee bit scared" song, which slays me.