Miniature Coffee

I had to laugh at the "we'll be together forever!" talk between Kurt and Blaine—it would be funny if next season they had an episode with a rash of those Thanksgiving "Oh, turns out this long-distance thing isn't gonna work" breakups.

I had to laugh at the "we'll be together forever!" talk between Kurt and Blaine—it would be funny if next season they had an episode with a rash of those Thanksgiving "Oh, turns out this long-distance thing isn't gonna work" breakups.

I feel like this is something people hardly ever bring up about the Sopranos finale—so many of the key characters were killed off in the last run of episodes.

"does every Glee club performance end in a standing ovation these days?"

On the one hand, I see what you're saying—Tina and Blaine backed up by the Glee Project characters sounds dreadful.

Thank you for that link—I was really stunned that "Weight of the Nation" barely discussed macronutrients at all. If nothing else I think they make a difference in terms of satiety.

Every single time I see that guy who played Bill Ponderosa in something (this, Big Bang Theory, It's Always Sunny), it takes me half an hour of searching IMDB to remember he was on The Comeback. This has happened to me at least 3 times.

Also, Cathy's freewheeling-crazy behavior was fun and exciting the first season, when she was facing death and seemed sort of taken for granted. But now she's just behaving like a spoiled asshole.

I swear this show has fallen into every single Showtime-show problem: the heroine who unbelievably cheats death all the time, the deus ex machina that saves everyone from their problems, characters who stick around for no real reason and get godawful plotlines as a result, etc.

They probably would've had more creative possibilities if his character died, but I'd stop watching this show if he wasn't on it.

For some reason, Lily saying "That was Eddie Murphy???" (re: Norbit) is my favorite Lily line in ages. The delivery just tickled me.

I'm so glad someone else caught this—I turned to my friend, aghast, and said, "That teacup was a KID!" and he acted like I was nuts.

Honestly, my favorite Tessa moment the whole ep was the Emma Stone-iest one: the montage of how she spent her evening before Ryan Shay showed up could have been a deleted scene from Easy A, but I still enjoyed the heck out of it.

I thought the idea for the "Super Shelter" was hilarious and it made me glad this show doesn't do cutaways—it's so much funnier to just imagine stray animals, orphans, and the elderly all living together.

You've clearly never seen the Rocket Dog sketch (granted, that was when he was hosting, not a cast member, but still).

You think there's only one? Such an optimist!

I assume this show won't get renewed, but one thing I always thought it was good for was as a showcase for not-very-well-known actors; I'm sure I'll spend years seeing the guys who played the '63s on other shows and thinking, "Where do I recognize him from?"

"Both of you?"
"We brought it from home!!"

Vous voudriez mas Harry?

"You parents today, always encouraging your kids, always telling 'em how great they are…no wonder most of 'em grow up to be singers."