Miniature Coffee

Fun fact—you know who played Baby Louise in that? Elizabeth Moss from Mad Men.

He has a People's Choice award that he stole from Wayne Brady.

They are, unless it counts as a new idea every time a Broadway producer says, "Hey, let's ruin [classic movie] by making it way longer and adding songs!"

I've been surprised at how good the wardrobe for Soto is, considering the paucity of big and tall men's clothing options out there. I kind of wonder if they custom-make a lot of his stuff.

I love Cracklin' Oat Bran, but was seriously bummed to discover as an adult that it's surprisingly high in fat.

You obviously had a cool mom. I grew up eating adult cereals with "fiber" prominently featured in the name.

I believe it was named after a man named Carl Sjunior and the current name is just a spelling error.

I can't hear the song "Right Now" without thinking of Crystal Pepsi. Also, it inspired the awesome/disgusting SNL commercial for Crystal Gravy.

Yeah, for my money this was the worst SNL since January Jones hosted.

Okay, not their best, but I thought the ending was solid—the mayor taking an actual oath that they'd never host the Olympics, the triathlon thing and the song all made me laugh.

Totally agree with you re: why isn't there a NY comedy podcast scene? Is it because it's too expensive to record them there?

In a similar vein, although not quite as aggressively awful—the main character from Roger Dodger. So gross.

Me: If only Leslie had a camera there to record all the evil stuff Kathryn Hahn's saying about Pawnee!
My husband: Uh, the show's shot documentary style, so…doesn't she?

…masterminded by the Best Friends Gang?

Yeah, I was having similar thoughts about Marshall and Lily moving twice in the space of a few months—I'm not even pregnant and that sounds awful.

I'm so glad you asked about "Casual Sex"—I caught that on cable one night and thought I might be hallucinating.

Seriously, I was like, "The show has to be all downhill from Bronx Beat, cause that was fucking hilarious." And then the rest of it was pretty great!

It's a real time-saver to be randomly spoiled about shows I don't watch. Like, now I can go up to my co-worker who watches "Revenge," and be like, "Did you see Revenge? How 'bout that dead body, amirite??" and she'll get all excited.

I just noticed that in that P&R clip, the specials board behind them lists "hamburger avec sauce Americaine" as a special.

It's weird, I was just watching the episode recently where Liz is singing "Maybe" really loudly while eating a sandwich, and now the running "N.Y.C." joke in this episode. Someone likes Annie for sure.