Miniature Coffee

That's funny, this Q&A reminded me of the Simpsons where Smithers is driving a tank, playing something like "Ride of the Valkyries," and then the tape abruptly switches to ABBA's "Waterloo."

Mark Wahlberg could've played guitar better than Hendrix
Mark Wahlberg could've baked the most delicious cake in the world
Mark Wahlberg could've scored more goals than Wayne Gretzky
Mark Wahlberg could've danced better than Barishnikov

He's not as picky as you hipster fellas, Stifler's mom's boobs are fine with him.

Last night's episode was the first episode I've seen that I thought was actually funny, and I think Kat Dennings' delivery has improved a lot since the beginning. I really hope they ditch the Peach character and keep Jennifer Coolidge.

My husband joked that his reasons for watching this show have now doubled.

While the all-in-one party at the end was a little sappy, I loved learning that "floating" a holiday/birthday/anniversary is a thing that other people do (and also having a name for that phenomenon).

I don't know if I'd watch a Sally Forth show, but I'd love to see who got cast as Ted.

As a tween, not understanding that cartoons couldn't have major changes to the status quo, I didn't understand why Baloo and Rebecca never hooked up, since they obviously wanted to.

I just rewatched that one the other day—I love how mean they are to Sarah McLachlan.

Eden Sher is terrific on this show, but my husband and I both said she's getting too cute to play awkward (or at least as awkward as Sue's supposed to be).

Yeah, there are straight-guy "bromance" relationships on other shows that are more affectionate than Cam and Mitchell's marriage.

Totally agree. I thought the pilot was hilarious and while every episode afterward had its moments, it seemed like they were running out of ideas already.

As someone with a college degree in the performing arts, I really wish Mr. Chang hadn't been painted as such a villain for suggesting that Mike might not want to spend his 20s temping and going to auditions while living with 4 roommates and having no health insurance.

If you were blind, or lame, you just went to Scorcese, and you'd be healed! I mean, that's so cool.

Yeah, since when is The Other Guys a bad movie? "I'd freaking eat you and then I'd bang your tuna girlfriend."

At least you know it won't be one of those SNLs where you go, "Oh wow, with such a funny host, I really wish they'd let her do more!"

Also, and I hope this doesn't sound racist, but I wonder if anyone who works on the show considered that it would be odd to make them an african-american/hispanic gay couple who adopted two white kids.

After this episode, I'm dying to know why Tyler got demoted to Cogentiva.

I think the period thing was a nod to the SantaLand Diaries, I remember it being in that too.

They did have some scary episodes. I still remember one where Pa helped an alcoholic quit drinking, and the show's depiction of withdrawal was pretty frightening to me as a kid.