Huff Season Two or GTFO.
Huff Season Two or GTFO.
Huff Season Two or GTFO.
you make russia sound more fun than that comedian guy did.
you make russia sound more fun than that comedian guy did.
every week i'm disappointed that The Bugle is on the best list. i've never laughed at it once. i want my sensibilities to align with av club's.
every week i'm disappointed that The Bugle is on the best list. i've never laughed at it once. i want my sensibilities to align with av club's.
i'm wondering how this can be his broadway debut. he was already on stage in a smaller role.
i'm wondering how this can be his broadway debut. he was already on stage in a smaller role.
i'll buy that.
i'll buy that.
i'm not disagreeing with you yet, i just really want to know which one you think is close to the kinks.
i'm not disagreeing with you yet, i just really want to know which one you think is close to the kinks.
the cuppy cake song sounds really sweet and happy, but is very sad. but that's mostly because that little girl died last year.
the cuppy cake song sounds really sweet and happy, but is very sad. but that's mostly because that little girl died last year.
i also prefer pornography. what's the cure?
i also prefer pornography. what's the cure?
that's a problem i have with this article, LoveWaffle. the entire time Phil is shitting on Falco, i'm thinking, "did you read The Last Don? let's not pretend that Falco wasn't polishing a prematurely-pinched off turd."
that's a problem i have with this article, LoveWaffle. the entire time Phil is shitting on Falco, i'm thinking, "did you read The Last Don? let's not pretend that Falco wasn't polishing a prematurely-pinched off turd."
oh i only jack it to pictures of her as the Red Queen.
ahh, Joe Biden. the Leeroy Jenkins of the Democratic Party.