too soon.
too soon.
i think i'll probably stop watching Burton's repetitive films as soon as i stop thinking Helena Bonham Carter is really sexy when Burton dresses her. so, never, i guess. sorry folks. i'm going to keep supporting the gothic crap.
yeah. fuck.
you spelled "cut" wrong.
mcdonald's sells a hell of a lot of sandwiches.
or, king's a shitty writer.
the first words of the first book should be "spoiler alert"
Up and Ant-Man!
all vulvas are moody vulvas. amirite fellas?
it's not and has never been hard to be funny attacking the self-righteous, though. those guys just missed the joke, and that's unforgivable.
i want to see him demonstrate Avon's wonderful third nipple concealer.
i did the same thing when i worked the mcdonald's drive thru in high school. it worked then, it works now.
Love and Erlandson already put out an album of unreleased Kurt songs.
Anna begins to change your mind.
"Goring" is still a kind of scary last name.
that wasn't the first VU song i heard, but it was the first one i liked. until i heard that cover, when i tried to picture Lou Reed i just saw that dumbass that played hitler in The Producers.
if you've never seen a deadhead act like an asshole, just tell one that you kind of like Touch of Grey and see what happens.
daunting, schmaunting. click on the thingies so you can listen to the songs and have a good day.
the second picture is better than the first picture, for some reason.
i love that photo. the beaver wants me to know that he agrees with me about not wanting a nazi's fist up my ass.