
in treatment
the guy that plays sunil deserves an emmy.

well, i think Sick would have been better if the band had been the cure instead of madness. especially since madness appeared in another episode.

hey your post made me realize something. not only do i not want to see mel gibson in a movie, i do not want to see a picture of mel gibson typing things that are movie-related. nothing personal.

it sucks that he was only paid 20 quid, but since he can say "rebel rebel? that shit was me." for the rest of his life, i wouldn't say it sucks to be him.

my favorite video is that part of labyrinth where he throws a baby in the air while wearing dickpants.

but i think 6 edges out 7. by the slimmest margin.

girls, girls! you're BOTH pretty!

i cause a rumpus when i hunt the wumpus

i like sodomy almost as much as abe's odysee.


i'd rather take a crap than play night trap?

obviously, cubans suck at black ops. you only get to kill one of castro's body doubles.


well after "the most tedious right-wing parrot" winner is announced, maybe we can take our trophies to a bar and have a beer.

there used to be white kids in miami!

at first i thought, "man that's a good cover of public image." then i immediately thought, "no it isn't. you just like the song public image. there is absolutely no reason to ever listen to this cover instead of the original." in fact, i would rather listen to a bootleg of leo grocery singing it with lydon in 1980.

except that people don't watch olbermann and then go stomp on some woman's head or claim that hating negroes isn't racist as long as you also hate negro-lovers. i don't think watching msnbc is as bad as watching fox.

yeah all the screens at my shitty gym in san antonio motivated me not to look as bloated and out of breath as the shitheels on fox. and i can't even get drunk at either of the dallas airports because of the screens there. the terrorists have won.

my first real high school girlfriend was smoking hot and hilarious and we did everything i could think of, every way i could think of, as many times as we could. i looked her up on facebook and now she's pretty fat and old and from her posts she seems pretty dysfunctional. i don't want to corrupt my old memories of

still sounds fucking horrible. rip, brave and talented lady.