
I just hope G doesn't jack black his career with all these movies.

i will not forgive even one mel gibson, but i'd forgive a pack of mike tysons.

i just want to post on this particular thread. to show solidarity.

no shit@prince. i laughed for about 4 minutes when i read that. plano is where the white trash girls from my high school hoped to move when they got married. that or rockwall. i feel more sorry for bob than for plano. rip.

i'm glad that i have that cover of grapevine to look for on the internet. i was going to feel guilty only looking for the cover art for Cut.

seems like they have to draw a line somewhere. if they didn't, netflix would be youtube.

fuck jackson for wanting to enslave all of new zealand.

only christopher lee's head is the king here, i don't know who played dookoo's body.

also, at this point in the franchise (fuck i hate typing that about these movies) if something goes wrong during shooting they are very well prepared to treat injuries. if my cousin tried this stuff on a whim (and he will), nobody's going to be around to stop the bleeding. i sure won't. does that count as

well duh.

if this had happened in 1988, commuters would have set fire to the truck and shot each of these attention whoring dbags in the the back of the head and then tied them to their bumpers and dragged them to pieces like they'd just gotten married in hell. it's been a couple of years since i lived 200 yards from the 101

if it helps, i refuse to recognize robin williams.

ah, 1992. i went to my local crappy dallas record store searching for Disappointed. i bought it on cassette, popped it in, and was treated to a shitty metal chant I AM SO! DISAPPOINTED! I AM SO! DISAPPOINTED! turns out, because of the huge plastic security brace thing they used to put on cassettes, i had

so, is moz also responsible for The Royle Family? cause that would make up for all that kitchen sink stuff.

The Unbearable Lightness of Being a Dickhead is an awesome album title. that is all.


yeah i grew up in texas and i was continuously fed all that alamo freedom fighter bullshit. mexico freed its slaves in 1829, but gave texas a one year exemption. so in 1830 texans started calling their slaves "indentured servants for life" and set their wages so low that they could never pay off their contract.

regarding the intended The Crying Game viewing experience: a friend of mine that is (or was when the movie came out) a drag show performer pointed something out to me. in the first couple of minutes the camera lingers on the dude/chick's hands. he told me that the hands are one of the instant giveaways, something

i THOUGHT i heard that stupid top wobble right before it cut to black.

by the time episode 4 comes out, there's a good chance that most of us will be pissed off because we have to work on a water farm?