
i'm kind of surprised that a show about the mundane, soul-crushing nature of working in a miserable environment doing meaningless busywork on the faster-than-you-think march toward death became tiresome so quickly.

i would rather have one more season of conchords than one more season of the office.

@lobsters: Mystery Men.

oh money machine
counterfeit money machine
something something money machine
print your money at hoooooome
thank you!

well i'm using it as a gerund. this weekend i'm going cunting.

@herc: boondoggle 2 is available for streaming, don't waste a queue slot on it.

i want to fuck that judge.

i find that it's a lot easier to stomach christian slater if i only watch true romance and that one episode of my name is earl.

i would watch this with both the sound and my pants off.

plus, shamalama looks like a douche that has just finished bitching out some PA in every single photo i've ever seen of him.

fucking bizarre. one day i will tell my grandchildren about the pre-internet era, when i had to watch 21.9 minutes of incredibly unfunny shit to watch .1 minutes of tits.

what dave said. but i am not comfortable with using this american life for evil.


when i saw the headline i immediately knew two things to be true:
1. i was never going to read the story.
2. i was going to click on it so i could read can i borrow a feeling related quotes.

obviously the jews don't control the media if someone like oliver stone can say something about jews in the media without any reprisal from jews or being forced to apologize.

doctor, i'd like to buy your belt.

take that, audie murphy!

love is…the come from a man down under.

couple of weeks ago i saw a smartcar painted like the general lee in austin. i think it was some progressive asswipe's idea of ironic regressivism. of course the asswipe didn't have the balls to paint the confederate flag on it, just the orange paint and the 01. what a pussy.

freak out.